Sunday, December 21, 2008

About New Year

Origin Of New Year

Perhaps, everybody would like to know how these celebrations began, from where it originated and what is so important about the festival. Let's give you an insight to the origin of this grand event in a brief form.

Origin of New Year dates back to the era of emperors. They thought of celebrating a special day which should dot a day for beginning and end of the year. First New Year celebrations were noticed in Mesopotamia around 2000 years. It was celebrated at the time of Equinox in mid-March by the Egyptians, Persians and Phoenicians while Greeks celebrated it on winter solstice.

Ancient New Year Calendar
First New Year celebrations were noticed in Mesopotamia around 2000 years. It was celebrated at the time of Equinox in mid-March by the Egyptians, Persians and Phoenicians while Greeks celebrated it on winter solstice.
As per the ancient Roman calendar New Year fell on March 1. This calendar just had ten months and March was the first month of the year. The calendar originated by the cycles of the moon, beginning in spring and ending with autumn planting.

Inclusion of Two Calendar Months
It was Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome who divided the year into twelve lunar months by adding the months of January and February. The New Year was shifted to January as it marked the beginning of the civil years in Rome. But this was not fully accepted by the people of Rome and they continued celebrating in the month of March only.

January 1- an Official Date of New Year Celebrations
The Roman emperor Julius Caesar officially declared January 1 to be a New Year in 46 B.C. Romans worshiped God Janus who had two faces, one looking forward and the other looking backward. The month of January was named after this Roman God and it gave an idea to the emperor to establish January as a gate to the New Year. It is said Caesar celebrated January 1 - New Year by ordering the revolutionary Jewish forces to route back.

People began New Year celebrations on January 1 after many years. They ritualized the beginning of the year by acting and re-enacting the world of the past before peace proliferated. People learned January as first month of the year and with this the tradition of following Julian calendar.

Abolition of Roman New Year Date
In the medieval period, pagan festivals were given more importance and March 25 was announced as the beginning of the New Year. March 25 was called the Annunciation Day as on this day Mary got the news that she should be impregnated.

Later, the King of England ensured that Jesus' birth December 25 should be commemorated as New Year.

Gregorian Calendar
About 500 years later, Pope Gregory XIII abolished the old Julian calendar and introduced Gregorian calendar which comprised of a leap year after every four years to maintain balance between seasons and calendar. Finally, in 1582, Gregorian calendar was set to celebrate New Year on the first day of January.

Filipinos New Year's Beliefs and Practices

Filipinos New Year's Beliefs and Practices

Aside from lighting firecrackers and having firework displays, Filipinos have other beliefs and practices which are associated and believed to bring good luck, fortune, and prosperity in the New Year.

  • The noise and the firecrackers is believe to drive the evil spirit away and make the New Year bountiful and blessed.
  • You should put coins/money in your pocket so that next year will be prosperous.
  • You should open all the windows, doors lights so that all the graces will come to your home as you welcome the New Year.
  • Some believe that you have to wear polka dots shirts or dress because it symbolize money, and it must have a deep pocket and filled with money bills and coins and jingled it at the stroke of midnight for good luck .
  • Some people pay off their debts in the hope that they will not be saddled with debt throughout the year
  • It is also a favorite thing to do with children, is to jump twelve times so they will get taller next year the higher you jump the taller you grow.

Ways to Celebrate New Year

Celebrating New Year is not just about preparing for different dishes to eat nor sitting in the balcony of your house and wait for the spectacular fireworks display, New Year is a holiday that a family should be together not because it is a tradition for others but because it is a chance given to each member of the family to start the new year together and to make them feel what a family truly is by eating together, spending the time together, & watching the fabulous fireworks display together. After all, New Year is starting your new day of the new and fresh year. So why don't start it with your family?its everybody's chance anyway..

Try to spend your New Year with your family this way:

1. Encourage them to help in preparing different dishes not because you wanted to lessen your works but to make them proud after because they prepare it with there own hands. And in this way, the bonding will be tighter especially when everyone is enjoying while cooking. They can also show they creativity when it comes in making foodstuff.

2. Let everyone participate in fixing and organizing the party including the kids as long as they are guided. Prepare something to excite them until the end of the celebration because
it can be hard to incorporate kids into a late-night party.

3. Don't forget to ready the camera or anything that will record this special event. The pictures then can can be gathered in creating a family journal or album to see everyone's most memorable moments and ensure they're never forgotten even the holiday is over.

4. Enjoy your self for them to enjoy their selves also. Get a little wild and wacky on New Year's Eve to put a smile in their faces and to en courage them to join the party.

Make sure that everyone is safe while having or lighting fireworks or other forms of firecrackers. Its always fascinating when there is a presence of fireworks as long as its safe. Other alternative also will do.

6. Never forget to say something that will make them happy or thankful of the Year before it ends and welcome the New Year. Make something new in this holiday for a change like giving away New Year's card for each member of the family or any personal items that you have made just for them.

May these tips will give you a bright and enjoyable New Year..